Monday, July 12, 2010

My Style

My personal style.

First off, I only wear clothing that is black, gray, navy and white. You're lucky if you ever catch me wearing a glimpse of color.

Acid wash, beach babe waves, Birkenstocks, big bags, blazers, clutches, Esse nail polish, hippie hair bands, Joe's jeggings, Louboutins, rompers, sunglasses, studs, tucked-in shirts, two finger rings, watches, and winged eyeliner.

Just some of my essentials. You'll catch me in one of these items with no fail.

"Fashions fade, style is eternal." -YSL

Download: Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness


1 comment:

  1. you dont need fashion, i like you better nakey. oh and your undergaments are always colorful-christopher

    p.s. im stalking all your shit today cause i miss you
